Class Afloat - 2024-2025 West Island College International Canada


Class Afloat-West Island College International is a private boarding school approved to matriculate students who successfully complete the Nova Scotia Ministry of Education Grade 11 and 12 high school curriculum. The school is a Quebec Ministry of Education approved partner of Cegep Marie Victorin; students may pursue a Quebec-based programme as an option for their 12th or13th year of study (collegial I et II). Class Afloat's university students are enrolled with Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada. The programme has been partnered with Open Acadia since 2007.

New sailing vessel for Class Afloat, read all about it.

Students must present prerequisite credits and courses for admission to Class Afloat. Only those students whose academic profile is suitable for college or university entrance will be admitted. Class Afloat will admit students seeking a full three year programme (11th, 12th, and university year) or, subject to space available, any portion thereof. Class Afloat has acquired almost three decades of experience in designing and delivering the world's premier experiential education model.

If enrolled in a complete twelfth grade programme, students will be prepared for a Nova Scotia Ministry of Education High School Diploma. Successful students, completing all prerequisite courses and obtaining the prerequisite credits, will present an excellent profile for university or college entrance. The specific courses offered are tailored to the academic needs of the student and are designed to take full advantage of the unique environment of a tall ship and the places that are visited.

Careful consideration is given to allow each student to prepare for continued studies in either science or social science. Courses are available to each student at his or her level of study (11th grade, 12th grade, first year university).

More information on Class Afloat? Please write an e-mail to StudyCanada EU <- click for e-mail

See the Class Afloat promotional video (please note that the ship in the video is a different one to the present ship in use with Class Afloat):


Study in a class at sea

See the 2020 - 2021 itinerary

Class Afloat seeks to provide, for each of its students and faculty, unparalleled learning experiences in incomparable settings aboard a tall ship and around the globe. Class Afloat is dedicated to "bringing the classroom to the world".

See more on the academics on board Class Afloat.

In the microcosm of a sailing ship and the macrocosm of the planet, Class Afloat offers young people from around the world the opportunity to challenge a rigorous programme of academic study, to stand watch and to actively engage in sailing a classic tall ship, to learn and to adopt sensitive and sustainable practices, to acquire and to develop unparalleled interpersonal skills and to practice global citizenship. In short, we challenge our students to be the best that they can possibly be. We hone good choices, good values and good life styles. We train for and expect positive changes at home and around the world. Class Afloat is, for each student, a "passport to education".

One of the most common questions we receive at Class Afloat is, "What does a typical day at sea look like?"  Below you will find out what you can expect to experience aboard the vessel:

07:30 - Breakfast and time to get dressed/ready for the day

08:00 - Colours. 

Colours serves as an opportunity for the entire crew to check in. Daily announcements re: classes, club and activity meetings, birthday celebrations, position and weather reports, medical follow-up fill this 15 minute assembly

08:15 to 0:900 - Cleaning stations

daily chores, essentially to make the vessel ship-shape for the day

09:00 to 19:00 - Academic Timetable

Between these times, students will be attending as many as 5 X 55 minute scheduled classes. Class time is shared with Day Watch time (2 hours) during which students take an active role in sailing manoeuvres and performing preventative ship maintenance. If not assigned to watch or to class, students are free to rest, read a book, watch a movie or help out with the sailing

12:30 to 13:30 - Lunch

17:30 to 18:30 - Supper, and galley duty

19:30 to 22:00 - Evening Activities leading to Lights out. 

During this period, students are able to study, socialize, have clubs meetings, and attend organized activities such as coffee house night, karaoke night, etc.

20:00 to 08:00 - 2 hours of night watch

Tuition fee 2024 - 2025 (ask for the second semester 2020-2021 prices):

CAN$ 47,500 Single Semester

CAN$ 68,500 Full Year

How to Apply

To apply for admission to West Island College International - Class Afloat, you must complete the following steps:

1. Submit the following required items to complete the application:

  • Application form plus an application fee of CAN$ 200 
  • Two personal reference forms and a Personal Resume
  • Medical Report
  • Essay stating what the applicant hopes to gain from the Class Afloat experience and how he/she expects to contribute to the school community. (300 words maximum)
  • Proof of swimming ability: bronze medallion, or equivalent or certified lifeguard's attestation that the candidate can swim 200 meters followed by treading water for 20 minutes
  • Academic Transcript

2. Complete a qualifying interview - once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by a Class Afloat representative to schedule an interview. The interview is designed to determine your social and emotional readiness for this programme.

3. Acceptance: Upon successful completion of steps 1 and 2, qualifying applicants will receive a letter of acceptance and service contract inviting them to register for the next school year or semester of study.