
All services of StudyCanada.eu are subject to the General Terms and Conditions for the provision of services, which have been filed with the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague in The Netherlands and contain a limitation of liability. A free copy of the General Terms and Conditions will be sent upon request.

Please note: if you are dealing with one of our local representatives, as third party, they are entitled to ask 300 euro extra for Diploma authentication. However, they are obliged to inform you beforehand of these extra charges. If a local representative is charging more, or charging amounts which are not mentioned on our general web site, or in the placement offer you received from us, please inform us immediately. Informing us will never jeopardise your chances of success to get admission or even your visa. We will legally protect students who have documented proof of bad dealings of our local representatives.

Please also note: You are provided with an invoice showing the amount to pay. Never pay anything without receiving a receipt or payment confirmation. We wil always inform your representative of any amount received by the institutes we represent. You are entitled to receive this information personally, but we need your e-mail address for that. Be sure to fill that in on your application form!

However: If you do not inform us beforehand of any bad dealing, and you pay the extra amounts yourself to the third party and cannot provide payment proof, we can do nothing about it if you complain afterwards. Please note that studyaustralia.eu is not liable for charged amounts made by third parties and is not liable for charged amounts not appearing on our invoice or the invoices of the institutes we represent!

StudyCanada EU is a trade name of StudyGroup EU B.V. Registered at the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague under nr 57313555: coporate seat is The Hague, Netherlands. All dealings with the StudyGroup EU are under Dutch law, disputes will be settled in the court in The Hague

To get more information on study in Canada, please write to StudyCanada EU <- click for e-mail

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  • Study English in Canada with ILAC.
    ILAC is the largest language schools in Canada and one of the top language schools in the world. We take pride in our service excellence and offer a variety of programs and courses to meet your English language goals.

    For the following courses, the 2023 price is as stated: General English; Cambridge (FCE); Cambridge (CAE); TOEFL Preparation; IELTS Preparation; Business English; University Pathway Program
    CAN$ 400/week 1 - 10 Weeks Intensive English Program (30 lessons/week)
    CAN$ 450/week 1 - 10 Weeks Power English Program (38 lessons/week)
    For more weeks at a lower price, please enquire

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  • Sooke Schools Victoria Canada Academic Graduation Program
    Want to earn academic credits towards a British Columbia (B.C.) High School Graduation Certificate or for transfer to your home country? Students hoping to graduate with a B.C. Graduation Certificate must be prepared to study for at least two years (longer if English language skills require significant development).

    Students are enrolled in a variety of academic and non-academic elective courses. We are able to confirm academic course enrollment prior to arrival, for students applying at least three months in advance of program start date.

    Fees for the high school programmes 2022 - 2023: CAN$ 13,725 for one semester
    Fees for the high school programmes 2023 - 2024: CAN$ 27,675 for one year; CAN$ 14,550 for one semester

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